Group Rules

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Group Rules

This group serves as the headquarters for everything pouflon related, including the community and roleplaying aspects!
  • Anyone is allowed to join the group, even if you don't own a pouflon. If you own a pouflon, you can participate in all group activities. If you don't own a pouflon, you can get a pippet to participate in the group's prompts. You can find more information on pippet prompts here!

  • If you do own a pouflon, you are not required to participate in any of the community or roleplaying events, like the prompts and quests; they are entirely optional. If you are interested in participating, you are required to complete a registration sheet of your pouflon beforehand!

Only pouflons, pippets, and other species of their world are currently allowed to be depicted in pieces made for group activities such as prompts, quests, and callings.

Regardless of whether you want to participate in the group, if you own a pouflon, you must abide by the Pouflon Ownership Rules.
Harassment of any kind and other social misconduct in the group are penalized according to the Ownership Rules, with two warnings and ultimately being added to the blacklist.

Submission Rules

Specific submission rules are stated in the gallery folders. As a summary:

  • Prompts, Quests and Callings:
    Submissions to the Prompts, Quests and Callings folders are subject to vote before they are accepted. If a submission is not eligible for coins, it will be moved to the Featured folder.
  • Journals:
    Only journals that are specifically relevant to pouflons (such as trading a pouflon, seeking a pouflon, looking to specifically draw pouflons) are allowed into the group. Please use the subfolders to submit your journals.
  • YCHs:
    Only YCHs that specifically include at least one pouflon will be accepted into the group.
    Finished YCHs go in the Featured folder, not the YCHs folder.


Prompts as they work in this group are art challenges that you complete with your pouflon, to earn Coins and develop your pouflon's character. Coins are the currency of the group, can be earned from prompts and quests, and can be used to purchase prizes for your pouflon.

How to participate in prompts:
Draw your pouflon in a picture (or write about them), doing something related to the current monthly prompt theme!
Alternatively, you can draw or write your pouflon in an entry that is related to the current season.

Entry Rules
✓ All entries must include one of your own registered pouflons.
✓ All pouflons included in the entry must have a completed registration sheet in the group.
✓ All entries must be somehow related to the prompt's theme or to the current season.
✓ All drawn entries must show at least 50% of your pouflon, be fully colored, and have at least a platform or implied background.
✓ Written entries must be at least 800 words.
✓ Pixel art entries must have an original resolution of at least 100px by 100px.

Submission Rules
✓ All entries must be titled with the prompt's theme or clearly specify the theme in the description.
✓ All entries must be complete and submitted to the group folder before the deadline.
✓ There is a maximum submission limit of 5 entries per user per prompt.
✓ Entries must be posted individually and separately to each other, multiple entries cannot be posted in the same deviation.
✓ It is highly encouraged to count the coins for your entry in the description.

If your drawing does not correctly follow the rules, it can still be added to featured folder but it will not be counted for coins.

Earning Extra Coins:

Guest Pouflons
Drawn Entries: Including a registered pouflon that you do not own (guest pouflon) in your entry will earn you one extra coin per pouflon. This bonus caps at three pouflons.
Written Entries: The same guest pouflon rules apply. For a guest pouflon to be considered 'included' in your entry, they must be mentioned more than once and in the present tense.

Extra 600 Words
Drawn Entries: Including a contextual description of at least 600 words in addition to your drawing will earn you one extra coin for that entry.
Written Entries: Writing 1,400 words or more will earn you one extra coin for that entry.

Collaborative Entries

Prompts are also allowed to be entered with Collaborative Entries.
Collaborative entries currently allowed include roleplays between two or more participants, and collaborative drawings created by two artists. Each participant must include at least one of their own pouflons to be eligible for earning coins for their entry.
All normal prompt rules apply to collaborative entries, with a few extra rules:

You will only receive the rewards for a collaborative written entry to a prompt if:
  • The uploaded piece clearly states that it is a collaborative written entry in the title or description;
  • The uploaded piece clearly indicates what was written by whom (either in a script-like format delineating the speaking character, or in paragraph form with clear indication of who wrote each paragraph);
  • Each participating member and the pouflon(s) they participated with are clearly mentioned in the description;
  • Each participating member wrote a total of at least 600 words;
  • The piece is only uploaded once, by one of the participants.
To ensure that an equal amount of effort was put in by each participating artist in collaborative drawing entries, we must limit the types of collaborations that we will allow to two main collaborative processes-

1. Each artist sketches, lines, and colors their own pouflon. Shading and background work can be a collaborative effort.
2. One artist sketches the piece, the other artist lines it, the first colors it, the second shades it, and the background can be a collaborative effort. (Tasks can be swapped, as long as each artist takes on at least two of the main tasks)

You will only receive the rewards for a collaborative drawing entry to a prompt if:
  • The uploaded piece clearly states that it is a collaborative drawing entry in the title or description;
  • The collaborative process is clearly explained in the description, and delineates which artist worked on each task;
  • Each participating member and the pouflon(s) they participated with are clearly mentioned in the description;
  • The piece is only uploaded once, by one of the participants.
Collaborative entries are not eligible for claiming extra coins for including guest pouflons.
However, each acceptable collaborative entry will earn each participating member two extra coins as well as the base reward for the prompt.
If collaborative entries do not follow the rules, they will be moved to the featured folder and you will receive a comment on how to change the entry for it to be eligible.

Event Prompts

Event prompts are prompts we hold very occasionally and are issued by an NPC. These prompts give out extra prizes for entries!

Pippet Prompts

If you do not own a pouflon, you can still participate in Prompts, Seasonal Prompts, and Event Prompts, with a pippet instead!
You have to either win a pippet through the Monthly Raffles or buy one from the Rewards Shop with coins.
All guidelines and rules for Pippet Prompts are listed at the Pippet Brigade.

Community Pouflon

If you do not own a pouflon, you can also enter Prompts using the Community Pouflon, Milo!
Rules for depicting Milo can be read in their registration sheet description.

Using the community pouflon (Milo) to enter prompts:
  • Only users that do not own a pouflon can use Milo to enter prompts.
  • Users that do not own pouflons but do own pippets can also use Milo to enter prompts, separate from pippet prompts.
  • Milo can be used to enter Prompts, Seasonal Prompts, and Event Prompts.
  • Milo cannot be used to enter Quests or Callings.
  • Prompt entries using Milo follow all of the regular Prompt rules.
  • Prompt entries with Milo can earn extra coins through guest pouflons and extra 600 words bonuses, like normal prompts! They cannot earn extra coins through gold badge perks.
  • You can see all volunteered pouflons that you can draw with Milo here!
  • Prompt entries using Milo are eligible for the Entry Bonus.


Quests are like very specific prompts, done in the style of an RPG. The unique requirements of every quest are written in the quest description, on the mage and knight quest boards.
Unlike prompts, completing quests will give you both coins and experience points (EXP). If your pouflon ambitions to be a mage or a knight, quests are the only way to advance up the tiers, using EXP- but even if your pouflon doesn't want to be a knight or mage, they can still do them!

Entry Rules
✓ Quest entry rules are the same as regular Prompt entry rules.

Submission Rules
✓ All entries must be titled with the name of the quest or specify the quest in the description.
✓ All entries must be submitted to the correct group folder.
✓ All entries must also be submitted via comment to the appropriate Questboard.
✓ Entries must be posted individually and separately to each other, multiple entries cannot be posted in the same deviation.
✓ It is highly encouraged to count the coins for your entry in the description.

Additional Quest Rules
✓ Each entry must follow the quest's unique requirements.
✓ You are only allowed to use your pouflon (or each of your pouflons) once per individual quest. 
✓ Coins are rewarded to you as a user, and EXP goes to your pouflon.
✓ You can enter mage quests and knight quests with the same pouflon.
✓ You can only earn EXP for one of your pouflons per each entry, even if more than one of your pouflons is drawn in that entry.
✓ To move from one tier to the next, users must meet the minimum EXP amount required and complete the appropriate Tier Achievement.

If your drawing does not correctly follow the rules, it can still be added to the featured folder but it will not be counted for coins or EXP.

Earning Extra Coins:

Guest Pouflons
Drawn Entries: Including a registered pouflon that you do not own (guest pouflon) in your entry will earn you one extra coin per pouflon. This bonus caps at three pouflons. Including the quest giving NPC will also give you an extra coin, and does not count towards the cap of three pouflons.
Written Entries: The same guest pouflon rules apply. For a guest pouflon to be considered 'included' in your entry, they must be mentioned more than once and in the present tense.

Extra 600 Words
Drawn Entries: Including a contextual description of at least 600 words in addition to your drawing will earn you one extra coin for that entry.
Written Entries: Writing 1,400 words or more will earn you one extra coin for that entry.

Mage and Knight Tiers

As your pouflon advances through their quests and earns EXP, they will move up the tiers.
All mages and knights start at Tier 0. As they gain more EXP, the tiers go as follows-

Tier 0
0 - 4 EXP
Tier 1
5 - 18 EXP
Tier 2
19 - 39 EXP
Tier 3
40 EXP

A pouflon has to 'earn' their tier, by completing the quests in that tier. When your pouflon starts working on their Tier 1 quests, they are still considered Tier 0, until they complete enough Tier 1 quests to earn 5 EXP. When they earn 5 EXP and complete the Tier Achievement, then they begin working on their Tier 2 quests, but are still considered Tier 1 until they reach 19 EXP from completing Tier 2 quests.

Your pouflon has to earn the required EXP and then complete a Tier Achievement before they can move on to the next tier. To begin working on Tier 2 quests, your pouflon must earn 5 EXP from the Tier 1 quests and then complete the Ambitions Tier Achievement.

You can go back and complete quests from previous tiers at any time!

Tier Achievements

After earning enough EXP to move to the next tier, a Tier Achievement entry is required to officially move on from that tier to the next.
All Tier Achievement rules are the same as the Quest rules, and the requirements for Achievements are available on the respective Questboards. Tier Achievement entries should be submitted to the quests folders, and posted in the questboards in the appropriate comment threads, just like quests.


Callings are like prompts, except that they are specific to the calling's badge your pouflon is trying to earn. By completing calling entries, you gain permission to put your earned badges on your pouflon's registration sheet, and buy earning gold badges, you gain a perk that allows you to earn extra coins!

Entry Rules
✓Callings entry rules are the same as regular Prompt entry rules.

Submission Rules
✓ All entries must be submitted to the Callings folder in the group.
✓ All entries must be submitted via comment in the Callings journal.
✓ Entries must be posted individually and separately to each other, multiple entries cannot be posted in the same deviation.

Additional Callings Rules:
✓ Callings entries must be related to the specifications of the badge.
✓ Calling entry rewards are not automatically added to your account. To redeem your calling entry, you must submit it to the group, and then submit it via comment in the callings journal to redeem your rewards. You can choose to redeem entries individually, or submit a few together at one time.
✓ Each calling entry, when redeemed, earns your pouflon one of the specified badge. If you create a second entry for the same badge, your pouflon will be given an upgraded badge (a bronze badge will be upgraded to a silver badge, and then a gold badge with a third entry).
✓ You are allowed to redeem three calling entries per month per user.
✓ You can include as many registered pouflons as you would like in your entry, but you can only earn one badge for one of your pouflons at a time, per entry.
✓ All pouflon prompts and quests can also be used as calling entries, if they fulfill all of the requirements for one.
✓ Callings entries that were made only for callings, and not another activity like prompts or quests, earn 2 coins additionally to a badge.
✓ Drawings made before the addition of the callings activity to the group cannot be redeemed as callings.

Gold Badge Perk

Once your pouflon earns a gold badge after three entries to the same calling, it can allow them to earn one extra coin in prompt or quest entries that you include them in!
To earn an extra coin in your prompt or quest entry, you must:
  • Depict your pouflon doing something related to what they have a gold badge of. For example, if your pouflon has a gold Foodie badge, they must be doing something related to food in your entry, while still being relevant to the prompt or quest you are entering. If your entry is a drawing, this must be depicted in the drawing, and will not count if it is only in the optional contextual description for your entry.
  • Have redeemed your calling entries and have your pouflon's gold badge displayed on their registration sheet.
  • Mention in the entry's description that your pouflon owns the gold badge that you would like to use, and link to their registration sheet. If you do not include this in the description by the time the prompt/quest is counted for rewards, then you will not be awarded an extra coin.
As an exception, a gold Tamer badge will earn two extra coins instead of one.
You can use a maximum of 10 Gold Badge Perks in each entry, for an extra 10 coins total.

Entry Bonus

For every 10 entries of either quests, prompts, or callings that you submit to the group, you can apply for the Entry Bonus. This is a bonus of 10 coins to reward your group participation!
  • To apply for the Entry Bonus, reply to this comment in the Bank with links to the 10 entries you're applying with.
  • You can apply with any mix of entry types (ie 10 prompts, 5 prompts and 5 callings, etc)
  • You can only apply with any individual entry once.
  • Entries of any age may be used, and it is best to apply with consecutively posted entries so that you do not accidentally try to use one more than once.

skin by Spashai

© 2015 - 2024 Pouflons
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MoonlightLillies's avatar
where can i find a myo slot to buy or trade?